

Master AI Security by Harnessing the OWASP Top 10

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming industries, but it also introduces new security challenges. The OWASP AI Top 10 highlights the most critical vulnerabilities in AI systems, providing a roadmap for securing these technologies. Here’s how you can leverage these insights to bolster your security posture.

1. Input Manipulation Attack

AI systems can be tricked by malicious inputs designed to exploit weaknesses in the model. To mitigate this, implement robust input validation and sanitization processes. Regularly update your models to recognize and reject suspicious inputs.

2. Data Poisoning Attack

Attackers can corrupt the training data to manipulate the AI’s behavior. Use data provenance techniques to ensure the integrity of your training datasets. Employ anomaly detection to identify and filter out poisoned data.

Some data provenance techniques:

  • Data Lineage Tracking
  • Metadata Analysis
  • Cryptographic Authentication
  • Anomaly Detection
  • Access Control and Monitoring

3. Model Inversion Attack

This attack aims to reverse-engineer the model to extract sensitive information. Protect your models by limiting access and using differential privacy techniques to obscure individual data points.

4. Membership Inference Attack

Attackers can determine whether a specific data point was part of the training set. Mitigate this risk by applying regularization techniques and using privacy-preserving machine learning methods.

A few regularization techniques:

  • L2 Regularization (Ridge Regression)
  • Dropout
  • Label Smoothing
  • Data Augmentation

5. Model Theft

Unauthorized parties can replicate your AI model. Use model watermarking and access controls to protect your intellectual property. Monitor for unauthorized use of your models.

6. AI Supply Chain Attacks

Compromises in the AI supply chain can introduce vulnerabilities. Ensure the security of third-party components and maintain a robust supply chain risk management strategy.

7. Transfer Learning Attack

Attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in pre-trained models used in transfer learning. Validate and secure pre-trained models before integrating them into your systems.

8. Model Skewing

Biases in AI models can lead to unfair or inaccurate outcomes. Regularly audit your models for biases and implement fairness-aware machine learning techniques.

9. Output Integrity Attack

Manipulating the output of AI models can cause incorrect decisions. Use cryptographic techniques to ensure the integrity and authenticity of model outputs.

Cryptographic techniques:

  • Digital Signatures
  • Secure Hash Functions
  • Message Authentication Codes (MACs)
  • Tamper-Evident Logs

10. Model Poisoning

Like data poisoning, this involves corrupting the model itself. Regularly retrain and validate your models to detect and mitigate poisoning attempts.

AI Security Threats and Controls Navigator


By understanding and addressing the OWASP AI Top 10 vulnerabilities, organizations can significantly enhance the security of their AI systems. Implementing these best practices not only protects against current threats but also prepares your AI infrastructure for future challenges.

Managing the ever-evolving landscape of AI cyber threats

By leveraging our AI and ML expertise alongside industry-leading penetration testing and threat modeling methodologies, Discovery Partners provides thorough security threat assessments. These assessments empower organizations to make well-informed decisions on safeguarding valuable data and securing intelligence against the ever-evolving landscape of AI cyber threats. Our range of services focuses on evaluating:

  • Understanding Resilience Through MATA Methodologies Models-As Threat-Actors (MATA) methodologies shed light on how resilient your AI/ML systems are against potential attacks. By simulating threat scenarios, you can better prepare and fortify your defenses.
  • Evaluating AI/ML Systems for Objective Alignment It’s crucial to assess whether your AI/ML system aligns with its intended goals. This content-driven evaluation ensures that the system performs as expected and meets its objectives effectively.
  • Comprehensive Security Assessments Utilizing frameworks like MITRE ATLAS and OWASP’s Top 10 AI/ML Vulnerabilities, you can conduct thorough security assessments. This includes testing for vulnerabilities such as prompt injection, adversarial attacks, data poisoning, membership inference, model inversion, and model stealing.
  • Identifying Practical Attack Vectors Understanding the practical attack vectors within AI/ML threat models is essential. These vectors can impact your organization’s people, processes, and technology, highlighting the need for robust security measures.
  • Protecting Model-Governed Assets AI/ML systems govern critical assets like training data, model weights, prompt secrets, API endpoints, and plugin endpoints. Ensuring these assets are secure from potential compromises is vital for maintaining system integrity.
  • Insights and Remediation Recommendations Gaining insights into the resilience of your AI/ML systems helps in understanding the likelihood and impact of vulnerabilities. Aligning these insights with policy compliance, you can develop effective remediation strategies to enhance the security of your model outputs.

By focusing on these key areas, we believe organizations can build more secure and resilient AI/ML systems, safeguarding their technological investments and maintaining trust in their capabilities.

Interested in learning more about how to secure your AI systems? Contact us for a detailed analysis and personalized recommendations. We are excited to speak to you!